AXEL çddf,faa,afa,aaf,faf,ffa,aff ¢ AXEL/BRAINSTORM PRODS. ³Comments From the studio musician, Andreas Stenhager: ¹I found this guy damn boring! A bass, some chords, boring drumsequences and useless leads make the tunes all the same individual. The only thing worth notice is the melodies, they generally keep a good standard. ¢Diesel comments: ¹I see why Andreas find Axel so boring, but I think it has its reasons. The most tunes he received from me were songs featured in diskmags, and those tunes are made monoton at purpose. I've not had the opportunity to listen at 'Musicland', but I think I have quite a lot of material anyway. Well, I think that Axel has quite a lot of talent even though he doesn't belong to the absolute elite. His ideas are too bad and too few for that. He has a good feeling for melodies(those are generally hard to do right). His drums often consist of sampled sequences, but I don't have anything against that because it sounds good and that's the most important. Generally quite good standard on his tunes.